The inauguration of a new Braille printer was held on June 15, 2016. The printer was funded by the staff
of AON Pvt. Ltd and was coordinated by Udhavum Ullangal, a Chennai-based NGO working with…?
The function was graced by the presence of senior management from AON including Mr. Vijaya
Prasanna - Chennai Head, Ms. Sripriya – Indian Delivery Manager and Ms. Poornima, HR Head and by
Mr.Shankar Mahadevan, Founder-Trustee of Udhavum Ullangal
The printer, an Index V4, model uses special A4 Braille sheets. It has many features like double-sided
printing, direct type-to- print using Duxbury software. It can also convert MSWord and PDF documents to
Braille with just a key-stroke. It can work across Windows 7, 8 and XP.
This printer comes as a boon to the institution, since now the students can get their texts and guide
books printed as and when required. A host of other general reading matter needed by the visually
impaired can now be easily made available to them, without the strenuous effort of using a Braille
typewriter. A simple example is the ballot papers which were prepared for the voting process to elect
the Student Pupil Leader of the School. The names were embossed on the Braille sheets and each
student could independently read and select the candidate he wanted to vote for.
St. Louis is extremely grateful to AON and Udhavum Ullangal for fulfilling this long-felt need that will
benefit many generations of students and staff.